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Want to start a solar business? Here’s how to do it?

Updated: Apr 12

Intro: In the current times with government publicising several sops to set up solar shops, it's a good business idea. Another reason why it’s a good business idea is because average solar shops have low operating costs and high profit margins. 

Besides, it has a low start-up cost and can induce electricity at a lower rate than other forms of energy sources like coal and natural gas.   Details of solar business in India

• Investment needed Rs. 10 lakhs-Rs. 15 lakhs (minimum) 

• Investment (In case of Manufacturing) 1- 5 crore (minimum) 

• Area needed 200 sq. ft for Office and 1000- 1500 sq ft for storehouse and product. 

• Manpower 5- 15 People 

• Anticipated Earnings 3 Lakhs- 4 Lakhs in a month

Types of Solar Businesses

Solar installation companies that install solar panels on rooftops and give services related to conservation and form. 

Solar service providers that give services such as design, construction, and installation of solar panels on the rooftop. 

Solar manufacturers that make and vend solar panels to other companies. 

Solar inventors who produce systems in areas with high possibility for generating electricity through the use of renewable sources like wind or sun. 

How to register the company online? 

• GST Registration 

• Shop and Establishment Act License 

• ISO instrument 

• DISCOM Certificate 

• Direct costs announcement and marketing costs, outfit accession and installation. 

• Circular costs mileage bills for the company's core business 

• Rent or lease payments 

Solar power is now a crucial sector for investors far and wide.  It's due to its low carbon footmark and the prospect of low- threat returns in the future due to solar energy getting more popular. 

Area Needed

The land area needed to start a solar power business is roughly 1,000- 2000 sq. ft.   If planning to get into just installation or after sale services, the area needed is only 200- 400 sq. ft. to set up your office.  Choosing a place for setting up solar power business has to be done carefully.

Other Considerations:

· Cost of Energy

· Regulations and incentives

· Availability of workforce and community amenities

· Shipping prices to your location

· Business climate and infrastructure

· Sunlight Hours 

Most importantly, one needs to consider if there are enough people with disposable income to buy solar panels? 

A solar power business should ideally be located in an area that has high sunlight hours, a low cost of living, and a low unemployment rate.

Most importantly, don't forget to consider-" Are there enough people with disposable income to buy solar panels?"  A solar power business should immaculately be located in an area that has high sun hours, a low cost of living, and a low severance rate. 

Manpower Requirement

To run a solar power business, the people needed are solar panel installers, electricians, accountants and operation people.  They are generally called" Solar Power Engineers" or" Solar Power Technicians".  A specific type of solar power engineer is called an" Energy Distributor", with knowledge of renewable energy systems.

(With inputs from MSN)


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